Order Policy

Orders can be placed 24 hours per day / 7 days per week by U.S. Mail, FAX, E-Mail and on-line at steelgripinc.com. Telephone orders can be entered Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. Sales and Customer Service personnel promptly record and process orders and make referrals.

Additionally, we welcome opportunities to evaluate inquiries, interpret product utilization methods and make comparisons. We will work with you to propose recommendations that will provide you with choices from which to select the best product for particular applications.


  • State the Steel Grip product number
  • Furnish the quantity needed
  • Review the cost of the item(s)
  • Appoint a destination and point of contact
  • Clarify the method of shipment desired
  • Issue the method of payment desired


  • Convey the circumstances which involve the rush
  • Project the delivery date
  • Furnish “routine” order information
  • Obtain a delivery commitment